Why is my skin itchy and dry?

We break down the reasons and tell you how to stop itchy skin for good.

Do you suffer from dry, itchy skin? You're not alone. Millions of people struggle with skin that feels uncomfortably tight, flaky, and irritated. It can be frustrating to deal with – but the good news is that you don't have to suffer in silence. By understanding the causes of dry, itchy skin and taking the right steps to care for your skin, you can soothe your symptoms and enjoy healthier, happier skin.

The common culprits

So, why is your skin so itchy and dry? There are several common culprits. One of the most common causes of dry skin is exposure to environmental elements, such as cold, dry air or exposure to the sun.

Another common cause is the use of harsh soaps and other skin care products that can strip your skin of its natural oils, leaving it parched and prone to irritation. Skin conditions such as psoriasis, rosacea or eczema can also contribute to dry, itchy skin.

Along those same lines, sometimes itchiness can be a sign that the skincare products you’re using are actually irritating your skin and making it reactive. Ingredients like fragrance, sulfates, alcohol, phthalates, harsh chemicals, acids and actives like retinol or vitamin c can all be to blame.

How to stop itchy skin for good

So we’ve established why you’re suffering from dry itchy skin. More importantly, what should you do about it? First, take stock of the products you’re using and do an audit to see if one or more of your skincare products are to blame. Making the switch to clean, fragrance-free skincare products, like ours, can be a game-changer for sensitive skin.

Another important way to stop itchy skin is to moisturize regularly. Look for a moisturizer that's specifically designed for dry or sensitive skin, and avoid products that contain harsh irritants such as alcohol or fragrance. Apply your moisturizer immediately after showering or bathing, when your skin is still damp, to help lock in moisture. Our solid lotion bar is made from cocoa butter and calendula oil and specifically formulated to soothe itchy, irritated skin.

Another way to soothe itchy skin is to avoid scratching or rubbing it. While it may provide temporary relief, scratching or rubbing can actually make your symptoms worse by causing small tears in your skin that can become infected. Instead, try using a cold compress or taking a lukewarm bath to help calm the itch. Using pure aloe vera gel or using a moisturizer that’s made from soothing ingredient like calendula, found in our solid lotion bar, can also help.

Last, but certainly not least, try to limit the environmental factors that are causing your skin to feel itchy and irritated. Use sunblock on a daily basis and limit your time in the sun. You may also find it helpful to use lukewarm water in the shower as super-hot water can cause dryness and irritation.

My skin is itchy – does this mean my skin is sensitive too?

If you're wondering ‘how do I know if I have sensitive skin?’, there are a few signs to look for. Sensitive skin is typically prone to inflammation, itching, and redness. It can also be more easily irritated by certain products or environmental factors. Do you notice that your skin gets irritated or itchy after using ‘actives’ like retinol, acids or even ingredients like vitamin C that are supposed to be gentle? If so, you may have sensitive skin.

Another common sign of sensitive skin is a tendency to break out in hives or rashes. This can be triggered by anything from stress to allergies to certain medications. If you notice that your skin is breaking out in hives or rashes frequently or without explanation, it could be a sign of sensitivity.

Dryness is another symptom of sensitive skin. If you find that your skin feels tight or uncomfortable after washing your face or taking a shower, it may be because your skin is sensitive and cannot retain enough moisture. This can also lead to flakiness or rough patches on the skin.

So, what is the best skin care for itchy, dry and sensitive skin?

There are several things to keep in mind when caring for sensitive skin. First, as we discussed earlier, it's important to choose gentle, fragrance-free products that won't further irritate your skin. Look for products that are specifically designed for sensitive skin, and avoid those containing harsh chemicals, fragrances or common allergens. At Lola Arnao, we’re proud that all of our products arehttps://www.lolaarnao.com/blog/fragrance-free-skincare-what-it-means-for-your-healthas well as free of common allergens and irritants.

Another key factor in caring for sensitive skin is to avoid over-exfoliating. While it may be tempting to try and slough off dead skin cells using abrasive scrubs or harsh exfoliants, doing so can actually damage your skin and make it more susceptible to dryness and irritation. Instead, try using a gentle cleanser and a soft washcloth to clean your skin, and use exfoliants sparingly. We highly recommend avoiding physical exfoliants, like apricot scrubs, completely and switching to a gentle chemical exfoliator (look for one with gentle lactic acid) no more than once every few weeks.

Starting a new skincare regimen?

If your skin is sensitive or prone to irritation, we recommend spot testing on your neck or wrist, where the skin is thinner and more reactive, first. Wait for at least 24 hours before using all over your face or body to help prevent reactions. Also, start slow and low with any new skincare products, especially active serums like retinol or vitamin c, that you’re adding into your skincare routine. Start with a pea-sized amount once a week, then work your way up to twice a week and so on to give your skin a chance to adjust.

Can coconut oil help my itchy skin?

If you're wondering ‘is coconut oil good for dry skin?’, the answer is yes - for most people. Coconut oil is known for its moisturizing properties and is often used as a natural remedy for dry skin. However, like any new skincare ingredient, it's important to note that not everyone's skin will react the same to any ingredient, no matter how gentle — including coconut oil. If you're considering using a product that has coconut oil in it, like our solid shave bar, always try a small test patch first to see how your skin react to be on the safe side.

We know from personal experience just how frustrating and uncomfortable dry, itchy skin can be – it’s one of the reasons we founded our brand! However, by understanding the causes of your symptoms and taking steps to care for your skin, you can improve your skin's health and reduce your discomfort. Remember to be gentle with your skin, moisturize regularly, and avoid harsh ingredients and over-exfoliating. With a little care and attention, you can banish dry, itchy skin for good.

Ready to start your journey to happier, healthier skin?

A great place to start is with our Deep Moisture Duo – a limited edition set of our solid lotion bar and solid body wash bar. Our 2 oz Cocoa-Calendula lotion bar is rich in oat oil, cocoa butter and deeply healing calendula oil and comes in a drawstring canvas pouch for easy bedside storage. Our 4 oz Avocado-Oat bath wash bar is rich in plant based moisturizers like soothing avocado butter and healing oat oil that will gently clean your skin without drying it. Both are fragrance-free and suitable for the most sensitive of skins. Comes packaged in a complimentary Lola Arnao reusable canvas gift tote.


Sensitive skin? 5 common mistakes to avoid.


Fragrance-Free Skincare: What it means for your health