How do I know if I have sensitive skin?

So what, exactly, is sensitive skin?

Sensitive skin can be frustrating to deal with, especially when trying to figure out what products will and won't irritate it. But how do you know if you truly have sensitive skin? While there’s no official definition or way to diagnose it, sensitive skin is skin that’s easily irritated — sometimes because of an ongoing skin disorder like eczema — on a regular basis.

Does your skin seem to always be irritated?

First up, do you notice that your skin gets irritated or itchy after using actives like retinol, acids or even ingredients like vitamin C that are supposed to be gentle? If so, you may have sensitive skin. Stinging, redness, breakouts and inflammatory responses after using topicals can be another sign. Another common sign of sensitive skin is a tendency to break out in hives or rashes. This can be triggered by anything from stress to allergies to certain medications. If you notice that your skin is breaking out in hives or rashes frequently or without explanation, it could be a sign of sensitivity.

If this is the case for you, experts recommend spot testing on your neck or wrist, where the skin is thinner and more reactive, first. Wait for at least 24 hours before using all over your face or body to help prevent reactions. Also, start slow and low with any new actives you’re adding in to your skincare routine. Start with a pea-sized amount once a week, then work your way up to twice a week and so on to give your skin a chance to adjust.

Dryness is another symptom of sensitive skin. If you find that your skin feels tight or uncomfortable after washing your face or taking a shower, it may be because your skin is sensitive and cannot retain enough moisture. This can also lead to flakiness or rough patches on the skin.

Have you been diagnosed with (or suspect you may have) a skin condition?

Do you have a condition like rosacea, eczema or psoriasis? These underlying health conditions can make our skin more sensitive overall. Some people with sensitive skin may also experience acne or other types of skin conditions. This can be due to the fact that sensitive skin is more prone to inflammation, which can trigger breakouts

If this is the case for you, try to limit ingredients, like fragrance, that can cause skin irritation. Remember that less is more. The less ingredients and the more simple the formulations the less chance for irritation. It’s why we keep our formulas for our body-care products simple and free of ingredients that can be irritating.

Hyperreactive to the environment?

Last, but not least, do you find that your skin is hyper-reactive to environmental factors like sun, wind, cold or heat? If so, your skin may be sensitive. Use sunblock and limit your time in the sun. You may also find it helpful to use lukewarm water in the shower as super-hot water can cause dryness and irritation.

So you think you have sensitive skin…now what?

So what can you do if you think you have sensitive skin? The first step is to visit a dermatologist or a licensed skincare professional for an accurate diagnosis. They can examine your skin and recommend products and treatments that are suitable for sensitive skin.

In the meantime, there are some things you can do to help manage your sensitive skin. For example, you may want to avoid products with harsh ingredients such as alcohol, fragrances, and certain preservatives. Instead, look for products with natural or mild ingredients that are gentle on the skin, such as oat oil and mango butter.

It's also important to moisturize your skin regularly. This will help prevent dryness and keep your skin hydrated. Look for moisturizers that are specifically formulated for sensitive skin and free of fragrances and other potential irritants and common allergens.

In terms of skincare routine, a gentle approach is key. Avoid using harsh scrubs or exfoliating products, as these can be too abrasive and irritate the skin. Instead, opt for gentle cleansers and moisturizers that are formulated specifically for sensitive skin.

It's also important to protect your skin from the sun, as UV rays can be particularly damaging to sensitive skin. Choose an SPF of at least 30 and apply it daily, even on cloudy or overcast days. We suggest using a physical sunscreen, like a zinc-oxide based one, versus a chemical sunscreen which can irritate sensitive skin.

Finally, pay close attention to how your skin reacts to different products and treatments. If you notice any signs of irritation or inflammation, stop using the product immediately and consult with a skincare professional.

In conclusion, there's no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to sensitive skin, as everyone's skin is different. However, by understanding the signs and symptoms of sensitive skin and taking a gentle approach to skincare, you can help manage your symptoms and keep your skin looking and feeling healthy.

Ready to make the switch to more sensitive skin-friendly body care?

A great place to start is with one of our Discovery Sets. Try our Deep Moisture Duo if you’re looking to soothe and moisturize sensitive skin. Treat yourself to deeply moisturized skin with this limited edition duo of our solid lotion bar and solid body wash bar. Our 2 oz Cocoa-Calendula solid lotion bar is rich in oat oil, cocoa butter and deeply healing calendula oil and comes in a drawstring canvas pouch for easy bedside storage. Our 4 oz Avocado-Oat solid bath wash bar is rich in plant based moisturizers and will gently clean your skin without drying it. Both are fragrance-free and suitable for the most sensitive of skins.


Four (easy) ways to keep your sensitive skin healthy and happy.


How to use our solid lotion bar (for deeply moisturized skin)